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Welcome to the Amiga 3D Graphics Information Site. This is a resource of all Amiga programmers featureing information, source code, downloads and links to other useful sites, all related to 3D graphics.

Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs on a variety of 3D graphics related topics.

3D Graphics Papers
General 3D graphics papers (i.e. mostly theory). Tend to be heavy going but do have a lot of useful information.

3D Graphics Source Code
Source code than can be used on the Amiga as either part of a program or as a complete stand alone program.

Information on 3D Graphics
Information on 3D graphics and programming related subjects. Just basic information, use it as you like.

3D Graphics Tutorials
Similar to the Information section but with more than just the info.

File Formats
Information on common 3D graphics related file formats. Also try Yahoo for more formats.

Net Links
Other 3D graphics related sites.

3D Graphics related books.

This FAQ deals with the new Amiga Voodoo card from Village Tronic. It contains answers to questions I and others have asked. If you have any information to add to it, feel free to mail me.

Amiga Voodoo FAQ

Amiga Voodoo FAQ

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Recent History:

Site created by Paul Qureshi